On Thursday, February 20th at Doha College West Bay campus, SENIA Doha hosted a ADHD workshop with special guest Dr. Nelson.  This event was open to all educators throughout Qatar who wanted to learn more about ADHD, how to support students, and executive function skills connected to ADHD.  Dr. Kelly Nelson brings 25 years of experience in education and mental health, in the US, Caribbean, and Qatar, to her role as Head of Parent Education for Nurture Me Global her in Doha. Through education, coaching, and support services, Dr. Kelly helps parents adopt research-informed practices to create positive, collaborative relationships within their families. She also works with educators who are interested in learning about educational leadership, intercultural competence, and non-punitive models of discipline. Dr. Kelly has also offered workshops and classes on emotional intelligence in kids and adults, stereotype threat in the GCC region, and the development of teen girls.

As a psychology major at the University of Miami, she was introduced to ADHD and research when she worked with Dr. Benjamin Lahey who was leading the committee for the DSM IV revisions of the ADHD diagnostic criteria. After graduation, she worked on the child and adolescent ward of a local crisis stabilization center and then at a long-term inpatient facility for kids with more chronic mental health or behavioral issues. Not surprisingly, many of those kids had ADHD. When she transitioned into higher education, Dr. Nelson often worked collaboratively with academic support and mental health teams. Here in Qatar, she oversaw these functional areas at UCL and Cornell. At both campuses, learning accommodations fell under her umbrella. So, she understands many of the unique challenges faced by educators in Qatar and is here today to give us an overview of the current research on ADHD and Executive Functions.  She  provided us with some practical information that we could use in our academic roles to support students and parents.

Happy Kids Clinic provided two sessions of communication training for all the teachers at KCPS. Sim and Rubeena created a bespoke program to teach KCPS staff how children learn to communicate, and how to support someone with communication difficulties in the classroom. Congratulations to both organisations for sharing skills and creating a successful collaboration.

Have you been involved in skill sharing or professional development? SENIAC wants to know! Tell us about it at facebook.com/senia.cambodia/


SENIA-Beijing Spring 2020 Notice



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SENIA-Beijing Newsletter – February 2021


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SENIA – Beijing Newsletter – May 2020

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SENIA – Beijing Newsletter – December 2018

SENIA – Beijing Newsletter – September 2018

SENIB Newsletter – March 2018






Episode #1 – Intro to Mini – L.I.N.K.


Episode #2 – 10 Reasons to Use A Visual Schedule in Your Classroom or Home: Part I


Peggy Lam

xM.Ed. in Special Education, 

B.S. in Business Administration, 

Dip. in Learning Management and Child Psychology


Peggy is a Special Education Consultant. Her biggest desire is to help and work with individuals with learning disabilities to live independently. She aims to help them understand how unique each of them is despite their challenges and to make a difference in their lives. She enjoys exploring alternative strategies to work with individuals and believes in creating awareness and advocate for the welfare of individuals. 

Her first degree is from Iowa State University, the USA in Bachelors of Science in Business Administration. It is from her travel in the United Kingdom and around Europe that prompted her to work with individuals with learning disabilities. She earned a Diploma in Learning Management and Child Psychology from the College of Allied Educators in 2010. In 2016, she graduated with a Master in Education with a major in Special Education from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. 

Besides her teaching qualifications, she is trained to administer the Therapeutic Listening with the Whole Body and Job Coaching. She also uses various skills in her teaching related to Behaviour Management, Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), Relationship Development Intervention (RDI), Executive Functioning, Mindfulness, Social Thinking, and Lego Therapy. 

Peggy’s other interests and experience include her volunteering with the special children at church. In 2014, together with four other individuals, they started the Special Education Network in Asia’s (SENIA) chapter in Malaysia. Their mission is to develop a network that promotes awareness and advocacy for individuals with special education needs https://www.seniachapters.org/malaysia/. Currently, she serves as one of the Executive Board members as the Board Secretary. In December 2017, she also volunteered with Autism Initiatives Malaysia (AIM). AIM is a network of individuals working together to develop both private and public sector support to improve the lives of those affected by autism spectrum condition. She served as the Finance and Secretariat to the Organising Committee of the 1st AIM Symposium on July 2018.


Lizzie Hudson

M.Ed Inclusive and Special Education

BA Hons Linguistic and Language Pathology


Lizzie has worked in schools supporting students for over 15 years. Her focus is always on ensuring that every child is included, both academically and socially. Every teacher is responsible for the inclusion of every student. 

Lizzie earned her undergrad degree at The University of Reading, England while her Masters was undertaken at The University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong. She is currently working on a Certificate of Inclusive Leadership through Lead Inclusion. 

Lizzie has lived and worked in the US, Mexico, South Korea, Hong Kong, Thailand and Malaysia. She joined the SENIA Malaysia board in 2017.

Other than teaching, Lizzie enjoys trail running, cooking, gardening and reading. She also enjoys spending time with her husband and two young children, exploring Malaysia and staying active. 


Di McLean

Bachelor of Arts in Education – Special Education

Bachelor of Education – Deaf Education

Working towards Master of Science – Speech Pathology

Di is a Learning Enrichment teacher at the Australian International School Malaysia. Her passions are early intervention and inclusive education and she is also a strong advocate for newborn hearing screening programs and early detection of hearing impairment and auditory habilitation.

Di’s experience includes over 27 years of teaching in both public and private schools in Australia and Malaysia and also working in early intervention programs as part of a multidisciplinary team. She has worked in therapy settings providing Auditory Verbal Therapy and also at schools supporting students in inclusive education.

Di has a decade of experience presenting teacher workshops and professional development in Western Australia on early intervention and language development including providing strategies to support students with language delays or disorders. 

Whilst in Malaysia, Di has helped set up networks amongst SENCO teachers across KL and serves as the Community Outreach board member for SENIA Malaysia. Her goal is to help set up more networks across other areas of Malaysia and to continue to advocate for high quality Inclusive Education. 

Chris Wright

Masters in Teaching and Curriculum

Masters in International Counseling

Chris is an Elementary counsellor at the International School of Kuala Lumpur working with students aged, 3 to 8 years old. With a focus on mindfulness and being aware of present experiences, she advocates for children to learn and be curious about their own emotional intelligence, including teaching children to understand how their brain works.

Chris experience includes over 23 years in education both in public schools in California and international schools in Asia since 1999. Born in Canada, Chris has lived in USA, Cambodia, Japan, Philippines and Malaysia. She joined the SENIA Malaysia board in 2015.

Chris’s outside passions include, dogs, scuba diving, underwater photography, running and being active. She is also fortunate enough to work alongside her husband and they have a love for traveling to new countries and underwater photography.


Loh Lin Khuan

Bachelor in Early Childhood Education

Diploma in Montessori – Elementary

Diploma in Montessori – Preschool

Lin has been in the educational line for about 35 years spanning her experience from teaching toddlers all the way to elementary. She is a passionate educator who strives for quality education that is beyond academic excellence, that every child should be given an opportunity to learn and that the child is the most important person in the school.  She believes that every child will succeed when careful observation is done followed strongly by teacher –parent-led approach.

She holds true to the belief that education is for life and that together with character building, relationship, and independent learning the child will succeed in realizing his/her fullest potential and skillsets to be a productive member of society. She is an advocate for inclusive education for many years and holds fast to the value that all should work together and supports that no child should be left behind.

Her goal at this stage is to ensure that those whom she trains will also commit to always putting the children first and create a learning environment that promotes a holistic educational experience for all learners in a fun way.

Lin believes in continuous education and always looks forward to learning from others as well as to share what she has learned. Lin conducts regular Montessori training programs and workshops for professional staff development and parents’ workshop. She is presently the senior principal at Tree Top House, a founding member of SENIA Malaysia, treasurer for Toy Library Malaysia and SENIA Malaysia.

Lin is married with 2 children aged 25 and 24years.

In her spare time, Lin loves to sing and is an avid traveller, reader and enjoys travelling with her colleagues to learn about different cultures, Montessori education, freedom within limits and inclusive education






Circle of Friendship as a tool for Sexual and Safety Education by Peggy Lam


Thank you, Penang, for your hospitality and enthusiasm about learning! At the SENIA Malaysia Conference held on 16-17 November 2019, I share on the above topic on both days. I had been using this series to work with my students with low to moderate abilities to understand the concepts of sexual and safety education. 

The participants are a mixture of parents, educators, and professionals. At the sessions, we discussed the importance of using the right words, age and level of understanding and how to use the Circle of Friendship as a tool.

The participants are then divided into groups according to the age group that they work with. They have the opportunity to learn how to use the Circle of Friendship series and modified the materials for application for different ages.

IGBIS also participated in Inclusive Schools week. We considered how to raise awareness, increase knowledge and change the system to reduce inequality.

We were finally able to put together a Parent Volunteer Organisation Committee for Inclusion, and parents carefully planned the lead up to the Week and the Week itself. Posters about inclusion and the “colouring” of the Phoenix, our school mascot, with colours representing diversity kept the community actively thinking about inclusion in preparation for it. Throughout the week, lunchtime storytelling sessions in the library were held, and each day of the week showcased a new learning opportunity for the several school constituents – Monday involved a presentation for Elementary students during their weekly assembly; Tuesday saw a whole school “dare to be different” themed dress up day; Wednesday was targeted to parents and students, with a workshop and movie shorts showing all day; Thursday was Random Acts of Kindness Day, with pay-it-forward kindness-related messages for all and a photobooth, with people standing in as the “i” in “kind”; and finally Friday wrapped the week up with an evening family movie screening and cooperative game night.

Written by: Lizzie Hudson, IGBIS

This year’s SENIA Malaysia conference in Penang was amazing this year. With informative and inspiring keynotes from  Dato Dr Amar Singh and Dr. Toh Teck Hock participants came away with a desire, ability and drive to further our mission of inclusion. Dr. Amar reminded us that inclusion is a grass roots movement that needs our continued passion. We need to make sure that we empower families and continue to push for greater systemic change. His ideas are already being put in place by Mr Alvin Teoh who brought along a group of parents and is continuing to build parent advocacy to push for education policies implementation and enforcement. 

Dr. Toh ensured that we all understood the power of early intervention and that getting and accepting support early is crucial. 

The choices of workshops were great with lots of people talking excitedly about things they learned, tips they picked up and new ideas they are pondering. 

With a supportive team, good food and lots of great local vendors to peruse, the weekend was well spent and I certainly came away feeling energised and inspired to take greater action towards inclusion.