SENIA-India Community Connect November 29th 2024

We were excited to host the second in-person event, following the success of our Pumpkin Patch SENIA Scholarship Award ceremony! SENIA India had the pleasure of organizing the Community Connect event at Stonehill International School, Bangalore, and we are grateful for their gracious hospitality. Members from different parts of India signed up for this event, and we were thrilled to bring everyone together. The day began with informal networking over coffee and tea during registration. After the welcome session, we kicked off the day with an engaging icebreaker activity designed to set the tone for the rest of the event and help everyone get to know each other. The rest of the morning featured a special session led by Anita Churchville on the academic and socio-emotional strengths and challenges of gifted and twice-exceptional learners. The session explored best practices, strategies, and insights for supporting students with unique learning profiles and provided a solid foundation for the day’s subsequent discussions. After a break for lunch, we divided the group into smaller discussion circles. Participants engaged in meaningful conversations around four selected “hot topics,” aimed at furthering our collective knowledge of best practices. Prompts were provided for each topic to stimulate thoughtful and productive exchanges. To conclude, we gathered for a brief feedback session, where participants shared their thoughts and reflections on the day’s discussions. It was an inspiring day of collaboration, learning, and community building, and we look forward to many more such events in the future!