About Us

SENIA local chapters and teacher representatives are pillars of the SENIA movement and provide local support and advocacy in regions around the globe.

Ready to become a SENIA Teacher Representative?  Teacher reps help share the SENIA Mission and act as liaisons with their local school for SENIA Events. For more information, reach out to us TeacherRep@seniainternational.org.

Want to start a chapter? SENIA is always on the lookout for additional chapters. Interested individuals and groups can reach out to us via email: chapters@seniainternational.org

Resource guides, chapter updates, support videos

Latest Chapter Updates

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Student visit to partner special school in Abidjan

Through our Service Learning program our students visited our local partner special school, Imagine Le Monde. They planned this visit to spend time with the students with various needs. They performed a play about the Rainbow Fish which was…
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Empowering local Teachers in Abidjan

This month we held a teacher training workshop for our local partner school Luke International School with a focus on Understanding Special Needs. This was also an effort to empower educators on how to make learning and the classroom environment…