About Us

SENIA local chapters and teacher representatives are pillars of the SENIA movement and provide local support and advocacy in regions around the globe.

Ready to become a SENIA Teacher Representative?  Teacher reps help share the SENIA Mission and act as liaisons with their local school for SENIA Events. For more information, reach out to us TeacherRep@seniainternational.org.

Want to start a chapter? SENIA is always on the lookout for additional chapters. Interested individuals and groups can reach out to us via email: chapters@seniainternational.org

Resource guides, chapter updates, support videos

Latest Chapter Updates


Senia Indonesia Conference Google Site

Take time to visit our chapters conference website to see all the great stuff that happened at the most recent event. Use this link that will take you to the website.  

Senia Europe Newsletters 2024

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New Senia Europe Chairperson

Christine Köstlin is a trained special education teacher from Germany. She has worked in primary and secondary school settings in Germany as well as an international school in Hong Kong, where she taught and lived for 5 years. During her time…